Phoebe Journal

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

In solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation and recognition, Phoebe joins other literary magazines in reaching out to Palestinian writers and artists across the diaspora. 

For our first-ever summer issue, we are dedicating our platform to the preservation of Palestinian perspectives, art, and culture. We believe in the collective responsibility of writers and artists to speak out against the genocide of the peoples of Palestine.

We invite Palestinian writers and artists to submit any work that celebrates Palestinian culture and identity. While we will exercise editorial judgment in selecting pieces to publish in this issue, all topics, styles, and themes are welcome. 

Our Summer 2024 issue supporting Palestinian perspectives will be open from May 1 - June 15, 2024. All submissions to this issue are free. At this time we can offer each accepted contributor to this issue a $50 honorarium. 

In accordance with the goal of this issue, which is to platform work from writers of Palestine or the Palestinian diaspora, we ask that all submitters to Issue 53.3 include a brief description of their connection to Palestine in their cover letter. Submissions that do not include this description will be in violation of these guidelines, and as such they will be rejected. 

phoebe will reopen for general submissions for our print issue on August 15, 2024. Submitters with work that falls outside this issue's guidelines are welcome to submit again during our next open submission period. 

If you have any questions about these guidelines, inquiries can be directed to


phoebe prides itself on supporting up-and-coming writers, whose style, form, voice, and subject matter demonstrate a vigorous appeal to the senses, intellect, and emotions of our readers. We choose our writers because we believe their work succeeds at its goals, whether its goals are to uphold or challenge literary tradition.

We insist on openness, which means we welcome both experimental and conventional prose and poetry, and we insist on being entertained, which means the work must capture and hold our attention, whether it be the potent language of a poem or the narrative mechanics of a short story. Above all, we seek to publish quality writing. Please review website publications, especially our latest online issue, for an idea of the caliber of writing we publish.

Our general guidelines are available here. Please note: At this time, phoebe does not accept work that uses AI generated text or artwork. 

phoebe welcomes and hopes to see literary and visual art from writers and artists of all races, ethnicities, national origins, religions, sexes, sexual orientations, genders, gender expressions, ages, abilities, military statuses, and other distinguishing identity traits. phoebe also welcomes and hopes to see literary and visual art from writers and artists of all genres, styles, and aesthetics. phoebe makes every effort to be open to all and closed to no one.

Phoebe Journal